The plot is within a land unit managed by the State Parks Dept. Much of the surrounding forest is similar to this plot. The "Rock Trail" is a few meters east of the plot. The Tygart River is located approximately 500m downslope. Upslope 40m is a large (5m tall) sandstone cliff.;Acidic forest growing on a west aspect and dominated by Quercus spp. (red, rock and white). There is an abundance of downfall, mostly branches from the oaks, but there is some downed black locust. There is little regeneration in the S1-S2 layers, likely due to deer browse. Herb cover is sparse with little diversity. There are lots of colluvial sandstone rocks in the plot.
Matrix patch of sterile oak forest. Plot was placed to maximize tree age. Area was surveyed to gather data to aid the statewide veg classification.